Source code for SALib.analyze.morris

from typing import Dict, List
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm

from . import common_args
from ..util import (

[docs] def analyze( problem: Dict, X: np.ndarray, Y: np.ndarray, num_resamples: int = 100, conf_level: float = 0.95, scaled: bool = False, print_to_console: bool = False, num_levels: int = 4, seed=None, ) -> Dict: """Perform Morris Analysis on model outputs. Returns a result set with keys ``mu``, ``mu_star``, ``sigma``, and ``mu_star_conf``, where each entry corresponds to the parameters defined in the problem spec or parameter file. - ``mu`` metric indicates the mean of the distribution - ``mu_star`` metric indicates the mean of the distribution of absolute values - ``sigma`` is the standard deviation of the distribution When ``scaled`` is True, the elementary effects are scaled by the ratio of standard deviation of ``X`` and ``Y`` according to [3]. When using this option it is important to ensure that ``X`` contains the actual values passed into the model, as the elementary effects are divided by the step calculated from ``X`` rather than using `delta` which is calculated from the number of levels used in the sample. This could be the case if you perform post-processing on the values before passing them to the model. Scaled elementary effects are useful when comparing different model outputs with each other when the input and output parameters have different scales. The ranking between the ordinary elementary effects and the scaled should be the same. Notes ----- When applied with groups, the ``mu`` metric is less reliable as the effect from parameters within a group become averaged out. The ``mu_star`` metric avoids this issue as it indicates the mean of the absolute values. If the direction of effects is important, Campolongo et al., [2] suggest comparing ``mu_star`` with ``mu``. If ``mu`` is low and ``mu_star`` is high, then the effects are of different signs. ``sigma`` is used as an indicator of interactions between parameters, or groups of parameters. Compatible with: `morris` : :func:`SALib.sample.morris.sample` Examples -------- >>> X = morris.sample(problem, 1000, num_levels=4) >>> Y = Ishigami.evaluate(X) >>> Si = morris.analyze(problem, X, Y, conf_level=0.95, >>> print_to_console=True, num_levels=4) Parameters ---------- problem : dict The problem definition X : numpy.array The NumPy matrix containing the model inputs of dtype=float Y : numpy.array The NumPy array containing the model outputs of dtype=float scaled : bool, default=False If True, the elementary effects are scaled by the ratio of standard deviation of X and Y according to [3] num_resamples : int The number of resamples used to compute the confidence intervals (default 1000) conf_level : float The confidence interval level (default 0.95) print_to_console : bool Print results directly to console (default False) num_levels : int The number of grid levels, must be identical to the value passed to SALib.sample.morris (default 4) seed : int Seed to generate a random number Returns ------- Si : dict A dictionary of sensitivity indices containing the following entries. - `mu` - the mean elementary effect - `mu_star` - the absolute of the mean elementary effect - `sigma` - the standard deviation of the elementary effect - `mu_star_conf` - the bootstrapped confidence interval - `names` - the names of the parameters References ---------- 1. Morris, M. (1991). Factorial Sampling Plans for Preliminary Computational Experiments. Technometrics, 33(2):161-174, doi:10.1080/00401706.1991.10484804. 2. Campolongo, F., J. Cariboni, and A. Saltelli (2007). An effective screening design for sensitivity analysis of large models. Environmental Modelling & Software, 22(10):1509-1518, doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2006.10.004. 3. Sin and Gearney (2009) Improving the Morris Method for Sensitivity Analysis by Scaling the Elementary Effects. 19th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering ESCAPE19:925-930 4. Moret et al. (2017) Characterization of input uncertainties in strategic energy planning models. Applied Energy, Volume 202, 15 September 2017, Pages 597-617 """ if seed: np.random.seed(seed) _define_problem_with_groups(problem) _check_if_array_of_floats(X) _check_if_array_of_floats(Y) delta = _compute_delta(num_levels) num_vars = problem["num_vars"] groups, unique_group_names = compute_groups_matrix(problem["groups"]) number_of_groups = len(unique_group_names) num_trajectories = int(Y.size / (number_of_groups + 1)) trajectory_size = int(Y.size / num_trajectories) elementary_effects = _compute_elementary_effects( X, Y, trajectory_size, delta, scaling=scaled ) Si = _compute_statistical_outputs( elementary_effects, num_vars, num_resamples, conf_level, groups, unique_group_names, ) if print_to_console: print(Si.to_df()) return Si
def _compute_statistical_outputs( elementary_effects: np.ndarray, num_vars: int, num_resamples: int, conf_level: float, groups: np.ndarray, unique_group_names: List, ) -> ResultDict: """Computes the statistical parameters related to Morris method. Parameters ---------- elementary_effects: np.ndarray Morris elementary effects. num_vars: int Number of problem's variables num_resamples: int Number of resamples conf_level: float Confidence level groups: np.ndarray Array defining the distribution of groups unique_group_names: List Names of the groups Returns ------- Si: ResultDict Morris statistical parameters. """ Si = ResultDict( (k, [None] * num_vars) for k in ["names", "mu", "mu_star", "sigma", "mu_star_conf"] ) Si["names"] = unique_group_names mu = np.average(elementary_effects, 1) mu_star = np.average(np.abs(elementary_effects), 1) sigma = np.std(elementary_effects, axis=1, ddof=1) mu_star_conf = _compute_mu_star_confidence( elementary_effects, num_vars, num_resamples, conf_level ) Si["mu"] = _compute_grouped_metric(mu, groups) Si["mu_star"] = _compute_grouped_metric(mu_star, groups) Si["sigma"] = _compute_grouped_sigma(sigma, groups) Si["mu_star_conf"] = _compute_grouped_metric(mu_star_conf, groups) return Si def _compute_grouped_sigma( ungrouped_sigma: np.ndarray, groups: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: """Sigma values for the groups. Returns sigma for the groups of parameter values in the argument ungrouped_metric where the group consists of no more than one parameter Parameters ---------- ungrouped_sigma: np.ndarray Sigma values calculated without considering the groups groups: np.ndarray Array defining the distribution of groups Returns ------- sigma: np.ndarray Sigma values for the groups. """ sigma_agg = _compute_grouped_metric(ungrouped_sigma, groups) sigma = np.zeros(groups.shape[1], dtype=float) np.copyto(sigma, sigma_agg, where=groups.sum(axis=0) == 1) np.copyto(sigma, np.NAN, where=groups.sum(axis=0) != 1) return sigma def _compute_grouped_metric( ungrouped_metric: np.ndarray, groups: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: """Computes the mean value for the groups of parameter values. Parameters ---------- ungrouped_metric: np.ndarray Metric calculated without considering the groups groups: np.ndarray Array defining the distribution of groups Returns ------- mean_of_mu_star: np.ndarray Mean value for the groups of parameter values """ groups = np.array(groups, dtype=bool) mu_star_masked = ungrouped_metric * groups.T, mask=(groups ^ 1).T ) mean_of_mu_star =, axis=1) return mean_of_mu_star def _reorganize_output_matrix( output_array: np.ndarray, value_increased: np.ndarray, value_decreased: np.ndarray, increase: bool = True, ) -> np.ndarray: """Reorganize the output matrix. This method reorganizes the output matrix in a way that allows the elementary effects to be computed as a simple subtraction between two arrays. It repositions the outputs in the output matrix according to the order they changed during the formation of the trajectories. Parameters ---------- output_array: np.ndarray Matrix of model output values value_increased: np.ndarray Input variables that had their values increased when forming the trajectories matrix value_decreased: np.ndarray Input variables that had their values decreased when forming the trajectories matrix increase: bool Direction to consider (values that increased or decreased). "Increase" is the default value. Returns ------- np.ndarray """ if increase: pad_up = (1, 0) pad_lo = (0, 1) else: pad_up = (0, 1) pad_lo = (1, 0) value_increased = np.pad(value_increased, ((0, 0), pad_up, (0, 0)), "constant") value_decreased = np.pad(value_decreased, ((0, 0), pad_lo, (0, 0)), "constant") res = np.einsum("ik,ikj->ij", output_array, value_increased + value_decreased) return res.T def _compute_elementary_effects( model_inputs: np.ndarray, model_outputs: np.ndarray, trajectory_size: int, delta: float, scaling: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: """Computes the Morris elementary effects. Parameters ---------- model_inputs: np.ndarray matrix of inputs to the model under analysis. x-by-r where x is the number of variables and r is the number of rows (a function of x and num_trajectories) model_outputs: np.ndarray r-length vector of model outputs trajectory_size: int Number of points in a trajectory delta: float Scaling factor computed from `num_levels` scaling: bool True if the elementary effects should be in scaled as in [1] Returns --------- elementary_effects : np.array Elementary effects for each parameter References ---------- 1. Sin and Gearney (2009) Improving the Morris Method for Sensitivity Analysis by Scaling the Elementary Effects. 19th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering ESCAPE19:925-930 2. Moret et al. (2017) Characterization of input uncertainties in strategic energy planning models. Applied Energy, Volume 202, 15 September 2017, Pages 597-617 """ num_trajectories = _calculate_number_trajectories(model_inputs, trajectory_size) output_matrix = _reshape_model_outputs( model_outputs, num_trajectories, trajectory_size ) input_matrix = _reshape_model_inputs( model_inputs, num_trajectories, trajectory_size ) delta_variables = _calculate_delta_input_variables(input_matrix) value_increased = delta_variables > 0 value_decreased = delta_variables < 0 result_increased = _reorganize_output_matrix( output_matrix, value_increased, value_decreased ) result_decreased = _reorganize_output_matrix( output_matrix, value_increased, value_decreased, increase=False ) difference = _calc_results_difference(result_increased, result_decreased) if scaling: # calculate the scaled value of delta (step size) dx_trajectory = _calculate_step_size_x(input_matrix) see_dy_dx = np.divide(difference, dx_trajectory.T) sigma_x_per_trajectory = np.std(input_matrix, axis=1) sigma_y_per_trajectory = np.std(output_matrix, axis=1) # Create a mask to avoid division by zero mask = sigma_y_per_trajectory[:, np.newaxis] != 0 adjustment_trajectory = np.divide( sigma_x_per_trajectory, sigma_y_per_trajectory[:, np.newaxis], out=np.zeros_like(sigma_x_per_trajectory), where=mask, ) elementary_effects = see_dy_dx * adjustment_trajectory.T else: elementary_effects = difference / delta return elementary_effects def _calc_results_difference( result_up: np.ndarray, result_lo: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: """Computes the difference between the output points. Parameters ---------- result_up: np.ndarray result_lo: np.ndarray Returns ------- results_difference: np.ndarray Difference between the output points """ results_difference = np.subtract(result_up, result_lo) return results_difference def _calculate_delta_input_variables(input_matrix: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Computes the delta values of the problem variables. For each point of the trajectory, computes how much each variable increased or decreased in respect to the previous point. Parameters ---------- input_matrix: np.ndarray Matrix with the values of the problem's variables for all input points. Returns ------- delta_variables: np.ndarray Variation of each variable, for each point in the trajectory. """ delta_variables = np.subtract(input_matrix[:, 1:, :], input_matrix[:, 0:-1, :]) return delta_variables def _calculate_number_trajectories( model_inputs: np.ndarray, trajectory_size: int ) -> int: """Calculate the number of trajectories. Parameters ---------- model_inputs: np.ndarray Matrix of model inputs trajectory_size: int Number of input points in each trajectory Returns ------- num_trajectories: int Number of trajectories """ num_input_points = model_inputs.shape[0] num_trajectories = int(num_input_points / trajectory_size) return num_trajectories def _reshape_model_inputs( model_inputs: np.ndarray, num_trajectories: int, trajectory_size: int ) -> np.ndarray: """Reshapes the model inputs' matrix. Parameters ---------- model_inputs: np.ndarray Matrix of model inputs num_trajectories: int Number of trajectories trajectory_size: int Number of points in a trajectory Returns ------- input_matrix: np.ndarray Reshaped input matrix. """ num_vars = model_inputs.shape[1] input_matrix = model_inputs.reshape(num_trajectories, trajectory_size, num_vars) return input_matrix def _reshape_model_outputs( model_outputs: np.ndarray, num_trajectories: int, trajectory_size: int ): """Reshapes the model outputs' matrix. Parameters ---------- model_outputs: np.ndarray Matrix of model outputs num_trajectories: int Number of trajectories trajectory_size: int Number of points in a trajectory Returns ------- output_matrix: np.ndarray Reshaped output matrix. """ output_matrix = model_outputs.reshape(num_trajectories, trajectory_size) return output_matrix def _compute_mu_star_confidence( elementary_effects: np.ndarray, num_vars: int, num_resamples: int, conf_level: float ) -> np.ndarray: """Computes the confidence intervals for the mu_star variable. Uses bootstrapping where the elementary effects are resampled with replacement to produce a histogram of resampled mu_star metrics. This resample is used to produce a confidence interval. Parameters ---------- elementary_effects : np.array Elementary effects for each parameter num_vars: int Number of problem's variables num_resamples: int Number of resamples conf_level: float Confidence level Returns ------- mu_star_conf: np.ndarray Confidence intervals for the mu_star variable """ if not 0 < conf_level < 1: raise ValueError("Confidence level must be between 0-1.") mu_star_conf = [] for j in range(num_vars): ee = elementary_effects[j, :] resample_index = np.random.randint(len(ee), size=(num_resamples, len(ee))) ee_resampled = ee[resample_index] # Compute average of the absolute values over each of the resamples mu_star_resampled = np.average(np.abs(ee_resampled), axis=1) mu_star_conf.append( norm.ppf(0.5 + conf_level / 2) * mu_star_resampled.std(ddof=1) ) mu_star_conf = np.asarray(mu_star_conf) return mu_star_conf def _calculate_step_size_x(input_matrix): """This function calculates the step of dx for scaled elementary effects""" max_y = np.max(input_matrix, axis=1) min_y = np.min(input_matrix, axis=1) delta = max_y - min_y return delta def _check_if_array_of_floats(array_x: np.ndarray): """Checks if an arrays is made of floats. If not, raises an error. Parameters ---------- array_x: Array to be checked """ msg = "dtype of {} array must be 'float', float32 or float64" if array_x.dtype not in ["float", "float32", "float64"]: raise ValueError(msg.format(array_x))
[docs] def cli_parse(parser): parser.add_argument( "-X", "--model-input-file", type=str, required=True, default=None, help="Model input file", ) parser.add_argument( "-r", "--resamples", type=int, required=False, default=1000, help="Number of bootstrap resamples for Morris \ confidence intervals", ) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--levels", type=int, required=False, default=4, help="Number of grid levels \ (Morris only)", ) parser.add_argument( "--scaled", type=bool, required=False, default=False, help="Scale the results by ratio of stddev of X and Y (Morris)", ) return parser
[docs] def cli_action(args): problem = read_param_file(args.paramfile) Y = np.loadtxt( args.model_output_file, delimiter=args.delimiter, usecols=(args.column,) ) X = np.loadtxt(args.model_input_file, delimiter=args.delimiter, ndmin=2) if len(X.shape) == 1: X = X.reshape((len(X), 1)) analyze( problem, X, Y, num_resamples=args.resamples, scaled=args.scaled, print_to_console=True, num_levels=args.levels, seed=args.seed, )
if __name__ == "__main__": common_args.run_cli(cli_parse, cli_action)