Source code for SALib.analyze.sobol

from types import MethodType
from warnings import warn

from scipy.stats import norm

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from . import common_args
from ..util import read_param_file, ResultDict, extract_group_names

from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
from functools import partial
from itertools import combinations, zip_longest

    "Constant values encountered, indicating model evaluations "
    "(or subset of evaluations) produced identical values."

[docs] def analyze( problem, Y, calc_second_order=True, num_resamples=100, conf_level=0.95, print_to_console=False, parallel=False, n_processors=None, keep_resamples=False, seed=None, ): """Perform Sobol Analysis on model outputs. Returns a dictionary with keys 'S1', 'S1_conf', 'ST', and 'ST_conf', where each entry is a list of size D (the number of parameters) containing the indices in the same order as the parameter file. If calc_second_order is True, the dictionary also contains keys 'S2' and 'S2_conf'. There are several approaches to estimating sensitivity indices. The general approach is described in [1]. The implementation offered here follows [2] for first and total order indices, whereas estimation of second order sensitivities follows [3]. A noteworthy point is the improvement to reduce error rates in sensitivity estimation is introduced in [4]. Notes ----- Compatible with: `saltelli` : :func:`SALib.sample.saltelli.sample` `sobol` : :func:`SALib.sample.sobol.sample` Examples -------- >>> X = saltelli.sample(problem, 512) >>> Y = Ishigami.evaluate(X) >>> Si = sobol.analyze(problem, Y, print_to_console=True) Parameters ---------- problem : dict The problem definition Y : numpy.array A NumPy array containing the model outputs calc_second_order : bool Calculate second-order sensitivities (default True) num_resamples : int The number of resamples (default 100) conf_level : float The confidence interval level (default 0.95) print_to_console : bool Print results directly to console (default False) parallel : bool Perform analysis in parallel if True n_processors : int Number of parallel processes (only used if parallel is True) keep_resamples : bool Whether or not to store intermediate resampling results (default False) seed : int Seed to generate a random number References ---------- 1. Sobol, I. M. (2001). Global sensitivity indices for nonlinear mathematical models and their Monte Carlo estimates. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 55(1-3):271-280, doi:10.1016/S0378-4754(00)00270-6. 2. Saltelli, A., P. Annoni, I. Azzini, F. Campolongo, M. Ratto, and S. Tarantola (2010). Variance based sensitivity analysis of model output. Design and estimator for the total sensitivity index. Computer Physics Communications, 181(2):259-270, doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2009.09.018. 3. Saltelli, A. (2002). Making best use of model evaluations to compute sensitivity indices. Computer Physics Communications, 145(2):280-297 doi:10.1016/S0010-4655(02)00280-1. 4. Sobol', I. M., Tarantola, S., Gatelli, D., Kucherenko, S. S., & Mauntz, W. (2007). Estimating the approximation error when fixing unessential factors in global sensitivity analysis. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 92(7), 957-960. """ if seed: # Set seed to ensure CIs are the same rng = np.random.default_rng(seed).integers else: rng = np.random.randint # Determine if groups are defined and adjusting the number # of rows in the cross-sampled matrix accordingly _, D = extract_group_names(problem) if calc_second_order and Y.size % (2 * D + 2) == 0: N = int(Y.size / (2 * D + 2)) elif not calc_second_order and Y.size % (D + 2) == 0: N = int(Y.size / (D + 2)) else: raise RuntimeError( """ Incorrect number of samples in model output file. Confirm that calc_second_order matches option used during sampling.""" ) if not 0 < conf_level < 1: raise RuntimeError("Confidence level must be between 0-1.") # Normalize the model output. # Estimates of the Sobol' indices can be biased for non-centered outputs # so we center here by normalizing with the standard deviation. # Other approaches opt to subtract the mean. Y = (Y - Y.mean()) / Y.std() A, B, AB, BA = separate_output_values(Y, D, N, calc_second_order) r = rng(N, size=(N, num_resamples)) Z = norm.ppf(0.5 + conf_level / 2) if not parallel: S = create_Si_dict(D, num_resamples, keep_resamples, calc_second_order) for j in range(D): S["S1"][j] = first_order(A, AB[:, j], B) S1_conf_j = first_order(A[r], AB[r, j], B[r]) if keep_resamples: S["S1_conf_all"][:, j] = S1_conf_j var_diff = np.ptp(np.r_[A[r], B[r]]) if var_diff != 0.0: S["S1_conf"][j] = Z * S1_conf_j.std(ddof=1) else: S["S1_conf"][j] = 0.0 S["ST"][j] = total_order(A, AB[:, j], B) ST_conf_j = total_order(A[r], AB[r, j], B[r]) if keep_resamples: S["ST_conf_all"][:, j] = ST_conf_j if var_diff != 0.0: S["ST_conf"][j] = Z * ST_conf_j.std(ddof=1) else: S["ST_conf"][j] = 0.0 # Second order (+conf.) if calc_second_order: for j in range(D): for k in range(j + 1, D): S["S2"][j, k] = second_order(A, AB[:, j], AB[:, k], BA[:, j], B) S["S2_conf"][j, k] = Z * second_order( A[r], AB[r, j], AB[r, k], BA[r, j], B[r] ).std(ddof=1) else: tasks, n_processors = create_task_list(D, calc_second_order, n_processors) func = partial(sobol_parallel, Z, A, AB, BA, B, r) pool = Pool(n_processors) S_list = pool.map_async(func, tasks) pool.close() pool.join() S = Si_list_to_dict( S_list.get(), D, num_resamples, keep_resamples, calc_second_order ) # Add problem context and override conversion method for special case S.problem = problem S.to_df = MethodType(to_df, S) # Print results to console if print_to_console: res = S.to_df() for df in res: print(df) return S
[docs] def first_order(A, AB, B): """ First order estimator following Saltelli et al. 2010 CPC, normalized by sample variance """ y = np.r_[A, B] if np.ptp(y) == 0: warn(CONST_RESULT_MSG) return np.array([0.0]) return np.mean(B * (AB - A), axis=0) / np.var(y, axis=0)
[docs] def total_order(A, AB, B): """ Total order estimator following Saltelli et al. 2010 CPC, normalized by sample variance """ y = np.r_[A, B] if np.ptp(y) == 0: warn(CONST_RESULT_MSG) return np.array([0.0]) return 0.5 * np.mean((A - AB) ** 2, axis=0) / np.var(y, axis=0)
[docs] def second_order(A, ABj, ABk, BAj, B): """Second order estimator following Saltelli 2002""" y = np.r_[A, B] if np.ptp(y) == 0: warn(CONST_RESULT_MSG) return np.array([0.0]) Vjk = np.mean(BAj * ABk - A * B, axis=0) / np.var(y, axis=0) Sj = first_order(A, ABj, B) Sk = first_order(A, ABk, B) return Vjk - Sj - Sk
[docs] def create_Si_dict( D: int, num_resamples: int, keep_resamples: bool, calc_second_order: bool ): """initialize empty dict to store sensitivity indices""" S = ResultDict((k, np.zeros(D)) for k in ("S1", "S1_conf", "ST", "ST_conf")) if keep_resamples: # Create entries to store intermediate resampling results S["S1_conf_all"] = np.zeros((num_resamples, D)) S["ST_conf_all"] = np.zeros((num_resamples, D)) if calc_second_order: S["S2"] = np.full((D, D), np.nan) S["S2_conf"] = np.full((D, D), np.nan) return S
[docs] def separate_output_values(Y, D, N, calc_second_order): AB = np.zeros((N, D)) BA = np.zeros((N, D)) if calc_second_order else None step = 2 * D + 2 if calc_second_order else D + 2 A = Y[0 : Y.size : step] B = Y[(step - 1) : Y.size : step] for j in range(D): AB[:, j] = Y[(j + 1) : Y.size : step] if calc_second_order: BA[:, j] = Y[(j + 1 + D) : Y.size : step] return A, B, AB, BA
[docs] def sobol_parallel(Z, A, AB, BA, B, r, tasks): sobol_indices = [] for d, j, k in tasks: if d == "S1": s = first_order(A, AB[:, j], B) elif d == "S1_conf": s = Z * first_order(A[r], AB[r, j], B[r]).std(ddof=1) elif d == "ST": s = total_order(A, AB[:, j], B) elif d == "ST_conf": s = Z * total_order(A[r], AB[r, j], B[r]).std(ddof=1) elif d == "S2": s = second_order(A, AB[:, j], AB[:, k], BA[:, j], B) elif d == "S2_conf": s = Z * second_order(A[r], AB[r, j], AB[r, k], BA[r, j], B[r]).std(ddof=1) sobol_indices.append([d, j, k, s]) return sobol_indices
[docs] def create_task_list(D, calc_second_order, n_processors): """ Create list with one entry (key, parameter 1, parameter 2) per sobol index (+conf.). This is used to supply parallel tasks to multiprocessing.Pool """ tasks_first_order = [ [d, j, None] for j in range(D) for d in ("S1", "S1_conf", "ST", "ST_conf") ] # Add second order (+conf.) to tasks tasks_second_order = [] if calc_second_order: tasks_second_order = [ [d, j, k] for j in range(D) for k in range(j + 1, D) for d in ("S2", "S2_conf") ] if n_processors is None: n_processors = min( cpu_count(), len(tasks_first_order) + len(tasks_second_order) ) if not calc_second_order: tasks = np.array_split(tasks_first_order, n_processors) else: # merges both lists alternating its elements and splits the # resulting lists into n_processors sublists tasks = np.array_split( [ v for v in sum( zip_longest(tasks_first_order[::-1], tasks_second_order), () ) if v is not None ], n_processors, ) return tasks, n_processors
[docs] def Si_list_to_dict( S_list, D: int, num_resamples: int, keep_resamples: bool, calc_second_order: bool ): """Convert the parallel output into the regular dict format for printing/returning""" S = create_Si_dict(D, num_resamples, keep_resamples, calc_second_order) L = [] for list in S_list: # first reformat to flatten L += list for s in L: # First order (+conf.) if s[2] is None: S[s[0]][s[1]] = s[3] else: S[s[0]][s[1], s[2]] = s[3] return S
[docs] def Si_to_pandas_dict(S_dict): """Convert Si information into Pandas DataFrame compatible dict. Examples -------- >>> X = saltelli.sample(problem, 512) >>> Y = Ishigami.evaluate(X) >>> Si = sobol.analyze(problem, Y, print_to_console=True) >>> T_Si, first_Si, (idx, second_Si) = sobol.Si_to_pandas_dict(Si, problem) Parameters ---------- S_dict : ResultDict Sobol sensitivity indices See Also -------- Si_list_to_dict Returns ------- tuple : of total, first, and second order sensitivities. Total and first order are dicts. Second order sensitivities contain a tuple of parameter name combinations for use as the DataFrame index and second order sensitivities. If no second order indices found, then returns tuple of (None, None) """ total_order = {"ST": S_dict["ST"], "ST_conf": S_dict["ST_conf"]} first_order = {"S1": S_dict["S1"], "S1_conf": S_dict["S1_conf"]} idx = None second_order = None if "S2" in S_dict: names, _ = extract_group_names(S_dict.problem) if len(names) > 2: idx = list(combinations(names, 2)) else: idx = (names,) second_order = { "S2": [S_dict["S2"][names.index(i[0]), names.index(i[1])] for i in idx], "S2_conf": [ S_dict["S2_conf"][names.index(i[0]), names.index(i[1])] for i in idx ], } return total_order, first_order, (idx, second_order)
[docs] def to_df(self): """Conversion method to Pandas DataFrame. To be attached to ResultDict. Returns ------- List : of Pandas DataFrames in order of Total, First, Second Examples -------- >>> Si = sobol.analyze(problem, Y, print_to_console=True) >>> total_Si, first_Si, second_Si = Si.to_df() """ total, first, (idx, second) = Si_to_pandas_dict(self) names, _ = extract_group_names(self.problem) ret = [pd.DataFrame(total, index=names), pd.DataFrame(first, index=names)] if second: ret += [pd.DataFrame(second, index=idx)] return ret
[docs] def cli_parse(parser): parser.add_argument( "--max-order", type=int, required=False, default=2, choices=[1, 2], help="Maximum order of sensitivity indices to " "calculate", ) parser.add_argument( "-r", "--resamples", type=int, required=False, default=100, help="Number of bootstrap resamples for Sobol " "confidence intervals", ) parser.add_argument( "--parallel", action="store_true", help="Makes " "use of parallelization.", dest="parallel", ) parser.add_argument( "--processors", type=int, required=False, default=None, help="Number of processors to be used with the " + "parallel option.", dest="n_processors", ) return parser
[docs] def cli_action(args): problem = read_param_file(args.paramfile) Y = np.loadtxt( args.model_output_file, delimiter=args.delimiter, usecols=(args.column,) ) analyze( problem, Y, (args.max_order == 2), num_resamples=args.resamples, print_to_console=True, parallel=args.parallel, n_processors=args.n_processors, seed=args.seed, )
if __name__ == "__main__": common_args.run_cli(cli_parse, cli_action)