Source code for

__all__ = ["plot"]

# magic string indicating DF columns holding conf bound values
CONF_COLUMN = "_conf"

[docs] def plot(Si_df, ax=None): """Create bar chart of results. Examples -------- >>> from import plot as barplot >>> from SALib.test_functions import Ishigami >>> >>> # See README for example problem specification >>> >>> X = saltelli.sample(problem, 512) >>> Y = Ishigami.evaluate(X) >>> Si = sobol.analyze(problem, Y, print_to_console=False) >>> total, first, second = Si.to_df() >>> barplot(total) Parameters ---------- * Si_df: pd.DataFrame, of sensitivity results Returns ------- * ax : matplotlib axes object """ conf_cols = Si_df.columns.str.contains(CONF_COLUMN) confs = Si_df.loc[:, conf_cols] confs.columns = [c.replace(CONF_COLUMN, "") for c in confs.columns] Sis = Si_df.loc[:, ~conf_cols] ax = Sis.plot(kind="bar", yerr=confs, ax=ax) return ax