Source code for SALib.sample.morris.local

""" """

from itertools import combinations
import numpy as np  # type: ignore
from typing import List, Tuple, Union

from .strategy import Strategy

[docs] class LocalOptimisation(Strategy): """Implements the local optimisation algorithm using the Strategy interface""" def _sample( self, input_sample, num_samples, num_params, k_choices, num_groups=None ): return self.find_local_maximum( input_sample, num_samples, num_params, k_choices, num_groups )
[docs] def find_local_maximum( self, input_sample: np.ndarray, N: int, num_params: int, k_choices: int, num_groups: int = None, ) -> List: """Find the most different trajectories in the input sample using a local approach An alternative by Ruano et al. (2012) for the brute force approach as originally proposed by Campolongo et al. (2007). The method should improve the speed with which an optimal set of trajectories is found tremendously for larger sample sizes. Parameters ---------- input_sample : np.ndarray N : int The number of trajectories num_params : int The number of factors k_choices : int The number of optimal trajectories to return num_groups : int, default=None The number of groups Returns ------- list """ distance_matrix = self.compute_distance_matrix( input_sample, N, num_params, num_groups, local_optimization=True ) tot_indices_list = [] tot_max_array = np.zeros(k_choices - 1) maxima_template = np.zeros(len(distance_matrix)) # Loop over `k_choices`, i starts at 1 for i in range(1, k_choices): indices_list = [] row_maxima_i = maxima_template.copy() for row_nr, row in enumerate(distance_matrix): indices = tuple(row.argsort()[-i:][::-1]) + (row_nr,) row_maxima_i[row_nr] = self.sum_distances(indices, distance_matrix) indices_list.append(indices) # Find the indices belonging to the maximum distance i_max_ind = self.get_max_sum_ind(indices_list, row_maxima_i, i, 0) # Loop 'm' (called loop 'k' in Ruano) m_max_ind = i_max_ind # m starts at 1 m = 1 while m <= k_choices - i - 1: m_ind = self.add_indices(m_max_ind, distance_matrix) len_m_ind = len(m_ind) m_maxima = np.zeros(len_m_ind) for n in range(len_m_ind): m_maxima[n] = self.sum_distances(m_ind[n], distance_matrix) m_max_ind = self.get_max_sum_ind(m_ind, m_maxima, i, m) m += 1 tot_indices_list.append(m_max_ind) tot_max_array[i - 1] = self.sum_distances(m_max_ind, distance_matrix) tot_max = self.get_max_sum_ind(tot_indices_list, tot_max_array, "tot", "tot") return sorted(tot_max)
[docs] def sum_distances(self, indices: Tuple, distance_matrix: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate combinatorial distance between a select group of trajectories, indicated by indices Parameters ---------- indices : tuple distance_matrix : numpy.ndarray (M,M) Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Notes ----- This function can perhaps be quickened by calculating the sum of the distances. The calculated distances, as they are right now, are only used in a relative way. Purely summing distances would lead to the same result, at a perhaps quicker rate. """ combs_tup = combinations(indices, 2) combs = np.array(tuple(zip(*combs_tup))) # Calculate distance (vectorized) dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(distance_matrix[combs[0], combs[1]]), axis=0)) return dist
[docs] def get_max_sum_ind( self, indices_list: List[Tuple], distances: np.ndarray, i: Union[str, int], m: Union[str, int], ) -> Tuple: """Get the indices that belong to the maximum distance in `distances` Parameters ---------- indices_list : list list of tuples distances : numpy.ndarray size M i : int m : int Returns ------- list """ if len(indices_list) != len(distances): msg = ( "Indices and distances are lists of different length." + "Length indices_list = {} and length distances = {}." + "In loop i = {} and m = {}" ) raise ValueError(msg.format(len(indices_list), len(distances), i, m)) max_index = distances.argsort()[-1:][::-1] return tuple(indices_list[max_index[0]])
[docs] def add_indices(self, indices: Tuple, distance_matrix: np.ndarray) -> List: """Adds extra indices for the combinatorial problem. Parameters ---------- indices : tuple distance_matrix : numpy.ndarray (M,M) Examples -------- >>> add_indices((1,2), numpy.array((5,5))) [(1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 4), (1, 2, 5)] """ list_new_indices = [] for i in range(len(distance_matrix)): if i not in indices: list_new_indices.append(indices + (i,)) return list_new_indices