Source code for SALib.util.problem

import warnings
import importlib
from types import MethodType
from functools import partial, wraps

from multiprocess import Pool, cpu_count
import numpy as np

import SALib.sample as samplers
import SALib.analyze as analyzers

from .util_funcs import (  # noqa: F401, E402
)  # noqa: F401, E402

from .results import ResultDict

ptqdm_available = True
    from p_tqdm import p_imap
except ImportError:
    ptqdm_available = False

    from pathos.pp import ParallelPythonPool as pp_Pool

    pathos_available = True
except ImportError:
    pathos_available = False

__all__ = ["ProblemSpec"]

[docs] class ProblemSpec(dict): """Dictionary-like object representing an SALib Problem specification. Attributes ---------- samples : np.array, of generated samples results : np.array, of evaluations (i.e., model outputs) analysis : np.array or dict, of sensitivity indices """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ProblemSpec, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) _check_spec_attributes(self) self._samples = None self._results = None self._analysis = None self["num_vars"] = len(self["names"]) self = _define_problem_with_groups(self) self._add_samplers() self._add_analyzers() @property def samples(self): return self._samples @samples.setter def samples(self, vals): cols = vals.shape[1] if cols != self["num_vars"]: msg = "Mismatched sample size: Expected " msg += "{} cols, got {}".format(self["num_vars"], cols) raise ValueError(msg) self._samples = vals # Clear results to avoid confusion self._results = None @property def results(self): return self._results @results.setter def results(self, vals): val_shape = vals.shape if len(val_shape) == 1: cols = 1 else: cols = vals.shape[1] out_cols = self.get("outputs", None) if out_cols is None: if cols == 1: self["outputs"] = ["Y"] else: self["outputs"] = [f"Y{i}" for i in range(1, cols + 1)] else: if cols != len(self["outputs"]): msg = "Mismatched sample size: Expected " msg += "{} cols, got {}".format(self["outputs"], cols) raise ValueError(msg) self._results = vals @property def analysis(self): return self._analysis
[docs] def sample(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """Create sample using given function. Parameters ---------- func : function, Sampling method to use. The given function must accept the SALib problem specification as the first parameter and return a numpy array. *args : list, Additional arguments to be passed to `func` **kwargs : dict, Additional keyword arguments passed to `func` Returns ------- self : ProblemSpec object """ # Clear model output and analysis results to avoid confusion # especially if samples are forcibly changed... self._analysis = None self._results = None self._samples = func(self, *args, **kwargs) return self
[docs] def set_samples(self, samples: np.ndarray): """Set previous samples used.""" self.samples = samples return self
[docs] def set_results(self, results: np.ndarray): """Set previously available model results.""" if self.samples is not None: assert self.samples.shape[0] == results.shape[0], ( "Provided result array does not match existing number of" " existing samples!" ) self.results = results return self
[docs] def evaluate(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """Evaluate a given model. Parameters ---------- func : function, Model, or function that wraps a model, to be run/evaluated. The provided function is required to accept a numpy array of inputs as its first parameter and must return a numpy array of results. *args : list, Additional arguments to be passed to `func` nprocs : int, If specified, attempts to parallelize model evaluations **kwargs : dict, Additional keyword arguments passed to `func` Returns ------- self : ProblemSpec object """ nprocs = kwargs.pop("nprocs", 1) if nprocs > 1: return self.evaluate_parallel(func, *args, nprocs=nprocs, **kwargs) self.results = func(self._samples, *args, **kwargs) return self
[docs] def evaluate_parallel(self, func, *args, nprocs=None, **kwargs): """Evaluate model locally in parallel. All detected processors will be used if `nprocs` is not specified. Parameters ---------- func : function, Model, or function that wraps a model, to be run in parallel. The provided function needs to accept a numpy array of inputs as its first parameter and must return a numpy array of results. nprocs : int, Number of processors to use. Capped to the number of available processors. *args : list, Additional arguments to be passed to `func` **kwargs : dict, Additional keyword arguments passed to `func` Returns ------- self : ProblemSpec object """ warnings.warn( "Parallel evaluation is an experimental feature and may not work." ) if self._samples is None: raise RuntimeError("Sampling not yet conducted") max_procs = cpu_count() if nprocs is None: nprocs = max_procs else: if nprocs > max_procs: warnings.warn( f"{nprocs} processors requested but only {max_procs} found." ) nprocs = min(max_procs, nprocs) # Create wrapped partial function to allow passing of additional args tmp_f = self._wrap_func(func, *args, **kwargs) # Split into even chunks chunks = np.array_split(self._samples, int(nprocs), axis=0) if ptqdm_available: # Display progress bar if available res = p_imap(tmp_f, chunks, num_cpus=nprocs) else: with Pool(nprocs) as pool: res = list(pool.imap(tmp_f, chunks)) self.results = self._collect_results(res) return self
[docs] def evaluate_distributed( self, func, *args, nprocs=1, servers=None, verbose=False, **kwargs ): """Distribute model evaluation across a cluster. Usage Conditions: * The provided function needs to accept a numpy array of inputs as its first parameter * The provided function must return a numpy array of results Parameters ---------- func : function, Model, or function that wraps a model, to be run in parallel nprocs : int, Number of processors to use for each node. Defaults to 1. servers : list[str] or None, IP addresses or alias for each server/node to use. verbose : bool, Display job execution statistics. Defaults to False. *args : list, Additional arguments to be passed to `func` **kwargs : dict, Additional keyword arguments passed to `func` Returns ------- self : ProblemSpec object """ if not pathos_available: raise RuntimeError( "Pathos is required to run in distributed mode. Please install" " with `pip install pathos` or" " `conda install pathos -c conda-forge`" ) if verbose: from pathos.parallel import stats warnings.warn( "Distributed evaluation is an untested experimental feature and" " may not work." ) workers = pp_Pool(nprocs, servers=servers) # Split into even chunks chunks = np.array_split(self._samples, int(nprocs) * len(servers), axis=0) tmp_f = self._wrap_func(func) res = list(, chunks)) self.results = self._collect_results(res) if verbose: print(stats(), "\n") workers.clear() return self
[docs] def analyze(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """Analyze sampled results using given function. Parameters ---------- func : function, Analysis method to use. The provided function must accept the problem specification as the first parameter, X values if needed, Y values, and return a numpy array. *args : list, Additional arguments to be passed to `func` nprocs : int, If specified, attempts to parallelize model evaluations **kwargs : dict, Additional keyword arguments passed to `func` Returns ------- self : ProblemSpec object """ if self["num_vars"] == 1 or (self["groups"] and len("groups") == 1): msg = ( "There is only a single parameter or group defined. There is " "no point in conducting sensitivity analysis as any and all" "effect(s) will be mapped to the single parameter/group." ) raise ValueError(msg) if "nprocs" in kwargs: # Call parallel method instead return self.analyze_parallel(func, *args, **kwargs) if self._results is None: raise RuntimeError("Model not yet evaluated") if "X" in func.__code__.co_varnames: # enforce passing of X if expected func = partial(func, *args, X=self._samples, **kwargs) else: func = partial(func, *args, **kwargs) out_cols = self.get("outputs", None) if out_cols is None: if len(self._results.shape) == 1: self["outputs"] = ["Y"] else: num_cols = self._results.shape[1] self["outputs"] = [f"Y{i}" for i in range(1, num_cols + 1)] if len(self["outputs"]) > 1: self._analysis = {} for i, out in enumerate(self["outputs"]): self._analysis[out] = func(self, Y=self._results[:, i]) else: self._analysis = func(self, Y=self._results) return self
[docs] def analyze_parallel(self, func, *args, nprocs=None, **kwargs): """Analyze sampled results using the given function in parallel. Parameters ---------- func : function, Analysis method to use. The provided function must accept the problem specification as the first parameter, X values if needed, Y values, and return a numpy array. *args : list, Additional arguments to be passed to `func` nprocs : int, Number of processors to use. Capped to the number of outputs or available processors. **kwargs : dict, Additional keyword arguments passed to `func` Returns ------- self : ProblemSpec object """ warnings.warn("Parallel analysis is an experimental feature and may not work.") if self._results is None: raise RuntimeError("Model not yet evaluated") if "X" in func.__code__.co_varnames: # enforce passing of X if expected func = partial(func, *args, X=self._samples, **kwargs) else: func = partial(func, *args, **kwargs) out_cols = self.get("outputs", None) if out_cols is None: if len(self._results.shape) == 1: self["outputs"] = ["Y"] else: num_cols = self._results.shape[1] self["outputs"] = [f"Y{i}" for i in range(1, num_cols + 1)] # Cap number of processors used Yn = len(self["outputs"]) if Yn == 1: # Only single output, cannot parallelize warnings.warn( f"Analysis was not parallelized: {nprocs} processors requested" f" for 1 output." ) res = func(self, Y=self._results) else: max_procs = cpu_count() if nprocs is None: nprocs = max_procs else: nprocs = min(Yn, nprocs, max_procs) if ptqdm_available: # Display progress bar if available res = p_imap( lambda y: func(self, Y=y), [self._results[:, i] for i in range(Yn)], num_cpus=nprocs, ) else: with Pool(nprocs) as pool: res = list( pool.imap( lambda y: func(self, Y=y), [self._results[:, i] for i in range(Yn)], ) ) # Assign by output name if more than 1 output, otherwise # attach directly if Yn > 1: self._analysis = {} for out, Si in zip(self["outputs"], list(res)): self._analysis[out] = Si else: self._analysis = res return self
[docs] def to_df(self): """Convert results to Pandas DataFrame.""" an_res = self._analysis if isinstance(an_res, ResultDict): return an_res.to_df() elif isinstance(an_res, dict): # case where analysis result is a dict of ResultDicts return [an.to_df() for an in list(an_res.values())] raise RuntimeError("Analysis not yet conducted")
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): """Plot results as a bar chart. Returns ------- axes : matplotlib axes object """ if self._analysis is None: raise RuntimeError("Analysis not yet conducted") num_rows = len(self["outputs"]) if num_rows == 1: return self._analysis.plot(**kwargs) try: plt except NameError: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt num_cols = 1 fk = list(self._analysis.keys())[0] if isinstance(self._analysis[fk].to_df(), (list, tuple)): # have to divide by 2 to account for CI columns num_cols = len(self._analysis[fk]) // 2 p_width = max(num_cols * 3, 5) p_height = max(num_rows * 3, 6) _, axes = plt.subplots( num_rows, num_cols, sharey=True, figsize=(p_width, p_height) ) for res, ax in zip(self._analysis, axes): self._analysis[res].plot(ax=ax, **kwargs) try: ax[0].set_title(res) except TypeError: ax.set_title(res) plt.tight_layout() return axes
[docs] def heatmap( self, metric: str = None, index: str = None, title: str = None, ax=None ): """Plot results as a heatmap. Parameters ---------- metric : str or None, name of output to analyze (display all if `None`) index : str or None, name of index to plot, dependent on what analysis was conducted (ST, S1, etc; displays all if `None`) title : str, title of plot to use (defaults to the same as `metric`) ax : axes object, matplotlib axes object to use for plot. Creates a new figure if not provided. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axes object """ from SALib.plotting.heatmap import heatmap # type: ignore return heatmap(self, metric, index, title, ax)
def _wrap_func(self, func, *args, **kwargs): # Create wrapped partial function to allow passing of additional args tmp_f = func if (len(args) > 0) or (len(kwargs) > 0): tmp_f = lambda x: func(x, *args, **kwargs) # noqa return tmp_f def _collect_results(self, res): res_shape = res[0].shape if len(res_shape) > 1: res_shape = (len(self._samples), *res_shape[1:]) else: res_shape = len(self._samples) final_res = np.empty(res_shape) # Collect results # Cannot enumerate over this as the length # of individual results may vary i = 0 for r in res: r_len = len(r) final_res[i : i + r_len] = r i += r_len return final_res def _method_creator(self, func, method): """Generate convenience methods for specified `method`.""" @wraps(func) def modfunc(self, *args, **kwargs): return getattr(self, method)(func, *args, **kwargs) return modfunc def _add_samplers(self): """Dynamically add available SALib samplers as ProblemSpec methods.""" for sampler in avail_approaches(samplers): func = getattr( importlib.import_module("SALib.sample.{}".format(sampler)), "sample" ) method_name = "sample_{}".format(sampler.replace("_sampler", "")) self.__setattr__( method_name, MethodType(self._method_creator(func, "sample"), self) ) def _add_analyzers(self): """Dynamically add available SALib analyzers as ProblemSpec methods.""" for analyzer in avail_approaches(analyzers): func = getattr( importlib.import_module("SALib.analyze.{}".format(analyzer)), "analyze" ) method_name = "analyze_{}".format(analyzer.replace("_analyzer", "")) self.__setattr__( method_name, MethodType(self._method_creator(func, "analyze"), self) ) def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): p.text(str(self) if not cycle else "...") def __str__(self): rep = "" if self._samples is not None: arr_shape = self._samples.shape if len(arr_shape) == 1: arr_shape = (arr_shape[0], 1) nr, nx = arr_shape rep += ( "Samples:\n" f"\t{nx} parameters: {self['names']}\n" f"\t{nr} samples\n" ) if self._results is not None: arr_shape = self._results.shape if len(arr_shape) == 1: arr_shape = (arr_shape[0], 1) nr, ny = arr_shape rep += ( "Outputs:\n" f"\t{ny} outputs: {self['outputs']}\n" f"\t{nr} evaluations\n" ) if self._analysis is not None: rep += "Analysis:\n" an_res = self._analysis allowed_types = (list, tuple) if isinstance(an_res, ResultDict): an_res = an_res.to_df() if not isinstance(an_res, allowed_types): rep += f"{an_res}\n" else: for df in an_res: rep += f"{df}\n" elif isinstance(an_res, dict): for res_name in an_res: rep += "{}:\n".format(res_name) dfs = an_res[res_name].to_df() if isinstance(dfs, allowed_types): for df in dfs: rep += f"{df}:\n" else: rep += f"{dfs}:\n" if len(rep) == 0: rep = ( "ProblemSpec does not currently contain any samples, " "evaluations or results." ) return rep
def _check_spec_attributes(spec: ProblemSpec): assert "names" in spec, "Names not defined" assert "bounds" in spec, "Bounds not defined" assert len(spec["bounds"]) == len( spec["names"] ), f"""Number of bounds do not match number of names Number of names: {len(spec['names'])} | {spec['names']} ---------------- Number of bounds: {len(spec['bounds'])} """