Source code for SALib.test_functions.linear_model_1
import numpy as np
def evaluate(values):
"""Linear model (#1) used in Li et al., (2010).
y = x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5
values : np.array
.. [1] Genyuan Li, H. Rabitz, P.E. Yelvington, O.O. Oluwole, F. Bacon,
C.E. Kolb, and J. Schoendorf, "Global Sensitivity Analysis for
Systems with Independent and/or Correlated Inputs", Journal of
Physical Chemistry A, Vol. 114 (19), pp. 6022 - 6032, 2010,
Y = np.zeros([values.shape[0]])
Y = np.sum(values, axis=1)
return Y