SALib.test_functions package#


SALib.test_functions.Ishigami module#

SALib.test_functions.Ishigami.evaluate(X: ndarray, A: float = 7.0, B: float = 0.1) ndarray[source]#

Non-monotonic Ishigami-Homma three parameter test function:

f(x) = sin(x_{1}) + A sin(x_{2})^2 + Bx^{4}_{3}sin(x_{1})

This test function is commonly used to benchmark global sensitivity methods as variance-based sensitivities of this function can be analytically determined.

See listed references below.

In [2], the expected first-order indices are:

x1: 0.3139 x2: 0.4424 x3: 0.0

when A = 7, B = 0.1 when conducting Sobol’ analysis with the Saltelli sampling method with a sample size of 1000.

  • X (np.ndarray) – An N*D array holding values for each parameter, where N is the number of samples and D is the number of parameters (in this case, three).

  • A (float) – Constant A parameter

  • B (float) – Constant B parameter



Return type:




Ishigami, T., Homma, T., 1990. An importance quantification technique in uncertainty analysis for computer models. Proceedings. First International Symposium on Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis.


Saltelli, A., Ratto, M., Andres, T., Campolongo, F., Cariboni, J., Gatelli, D., Saisana, M., Tarantola, S., 2008. Global Sensitivity Analysis: The Primer. Wiley, West Sussex, U.K.

SALib.test_functions.Sobol_G module#

SALib.test_functions.Sobol_G.evaluate(values, a=None, delta=None, alpha=None)[source]#

Modified Sobol G-function.

Reverts to original Sobol G-function if delta and alpha are not given.


Saltelli, A., Annoni, P., Azzini, I., Campolongo, F., Ratto, M., Tarantola, S., 2010. Variance based sensitivity analysis of model output. Design and estimator for the total sensitivity index. Computer Physics Communications 181, 259–270.



Return type:

Result of G-function

SALib.test_functions.Sobol_G.sensitivity_index(a, alpha=None)[source]#
SALib.test_functions.Sobol_G.total_sensitivity_index(a, alpha=None)[source]#

SALib.test_functions.lake_problem module#

SALib.test_functions.lake_problem.evaluate(values: ndarray, nvars: int = 100, seed=101)[source]#

Evaluate the Lake Problem with an array of parameter values.

  • values (np.ndarray,) – model inputs in the (column) order of a, q, b, mean, stdev, delta, alpha

  • nvars (int,) – number of decision variables to simulate (default: 100)



Return type:

max_P, utility, inertia, reliability

SALib.test_functions.lake_problem.evaluate_lake(values: ndarray, seed=101) ndarray[source]#

Evaluate the Lake Problem with an array of parameter values.



Hadka, D., Herman, J., Reed, P., Keller, K., (2015). “An open source framework for many-objective robust decision making.” Environmental Modelling & Software 74, 114–129. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2015.07.014


Singh, R., Reed, P., Keller, K., (2015). “Many-objective robust decision making for managing an ecosystem with a deeply uncertain threshold response.” Ecology and Society 20. doi:10.5751/ES-07687-200312


values (np.ndarray,) –

model inputs in the (column) order of a, q, b, mean, stdev

where * a is rate of anthropogenic pollution * q is exponent controlling recycling rate * b is decay rate for phosphorus * mean and * stdev set the log normal distribution of eps, see [2]

Return type:

np.ndarray, of Phosphorus pollution over time t

SALib.test_functions.lake_problem.lake_problem(X: float | array, a: float | array = 0.1, q: float | array = 2.0, b: float | array = 0.42, eps: float | array = 0.02) float[source]#

Lake Problem as given in Hadka et al., (2015) and Kwakkel (2017) modified for use as a test function.

The mean and stdev parameters control the log normal distribution of natural inflows (epsilon in [1] and [2]).



Hadka, D., Herman, J., Reed, P., Keller, K., (2015). “An open source framework for many-objective robust decision making.” Environmental Modelling & Software 74, 114-129. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2015.07.014


Kwakkel, J.H, (2017). “The Exploratory Modeling Workbench: An open source toolkit for exploratory modeling, scenario discovery, and (multi-objective) robust decision making.” Environmental Modelling & Software 96, 239-250. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2017.06.054


Singh, R., Reed, P., Keller, K., (2015). “Many-objective robust decision making for managing an ecosystem with a deeply uncertain threshold response.” Ecology and Society 20. doi:10.5751/ES-07687-200312

  • X (float or np.ndarray) – normalized concentration of Phosphorus at point in time

  • a (float or np.ndarray) – rate of anthropogenic pollution (0.0 to 0.1)

  • q (float or np.ndarray) – exponent controlling recycling rate (2.0 to 4.5).

  • b (float or np.ndarray) – decay rate for phosphorus (0.1 to 0.45, where default 0.42 is irreversible, as described in [1])

  • eps (float or np.ndarray) – natural inflows of phosphorus (pollution), see [3]

Return type:

float, phosphorus pollution for a point in time

SALib.test_functions.linear_model_1 module#


Linear model (#1) used in Li et al., (2010).

y = x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5


values (np.array)



Genyuan Li, H. Rabitz, P.E. Yelvington, O.O. Oluwole, F. Bacon, C.E. Kolb, and J. Schoendorf, “Global Sensitivity Analysis for Systems with Independent and/or Correlated Inputs”, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol. 114 (19), pp. 6022 - 6032, 2010,

SALib.test_functions.linear_model_2 module#


Linear model (#2) used in Li et al., (2010).

y = 5x1 + 4x2 + 3x3 + 2x4 + x5


values (np.array)



Genyuan Li, H. Rabitz, P.E. Yelvington, O.O. Oluwole, F. Bacon, C.E. Kolb, and J. Schoendorf, “Global Sensitivity Analysis for Systems with Independent and/or Correlated Inputs”, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol. 114 (19), pp. 6022 - 6032, 2010,

SALib.test_functions.oakley2004 module#

SALib.test_functions.oakley2004.evaluate(X: ndarray, A: ndarray, M: ndarray) ndarray[source]#

Test function taken from Oakley and O’Hagan (2004) (see Eqn. 21 in [1])



Oakley, J.E., O’Hagan, A., 2004. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis of complex models: a Bayesian approach. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 66, 751–769.

Module contents#